Are you looking after your mental health?

Mental health is imperative to functioning optimally in the workplace. While organisations need to ensure a mentally safe place for workers, employees also have a responsibility to look after their mental health.

Here are some of the things that you can do to protect your mind:

1. Sleep well. Adequate sleep hygiene is a must. Log off all blue light 2 hours before bed and keep your room cool and well-ventilated to get a good night’s sleep. Lavender oil can also promote relaxation.

2. Meditate. Taking 5 or 10 minutes to meditate can help reduce stress and help you function better.

3. Eat well. Food and mood are linked. Aim for a balanced, nutritious diet every day.

4. Exercise daily. Even 20 minutes a day will make a huge difference.
What are some of the things you’re doing to protect your mental health?

#mentalhealthatwork #occupationalmedicine #occupationalhealth #workplacehealthandwellbeing #drfarhanshahzad

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